Volunteer Opportunity

National Program Director --Instructor Development Program

January 2024

The National Ski Patrol is accepting applications for the position of National Program Director–Instructor Development Program. We are looking for a motivated and committed leader to advance one of NSP’s most pivotal education programs. 

Application requirements
  1. One-page cover letter explaining why you are a strong candidate.
  2. Resume summarizing your patrol and professional experience. 
  3. One-page vision statement for the Instructor Development Program: Where do you see this program in three years? List up to three goals you have in mind for the program.
  4. Two letters of recommendation (preferably one from a patroller who holds a division-level leadership position) sent separately to the address below by your references.
Deadline for submission of completed applications:
Screening will begin February 19, with interviews beginning shortly afterward. Screening will continue until the position is filled. 

Application materials should be sent to: 
[email protected] 

Interview and Selection Process: 
  1. The NPD Search Committee will select applicants to interview via video teleconference.
  2. After the interviews, the committee will forward recommendations to the National Chair.
  3. The National Chair will make an appointment.

The new Instructor Development Program Director will begin the term of service once the National Board Chair makes the decision and the Board of Directors ratifies the appointment. Like all NSP national program directors, the Instructor Development Program Director serves as a volunteer, at the will of the National Chair, and has a six-year term limit. 

Position description: 
NSP’s Instructor Development (ID) Program focuses on the principles of adult learning and provides members with the tools, skills, and resources needed to help patrollers become highly capable instructors in NSP disciplines.  The ID Program is the keystone in NSP’s commitment to provide top-tier education and training in outdoor safety and rescue. 

The ID Program Director chairs NSP’s ID Program Committee, which includes all division-level ID Supervisors. The mission of this committee is the betterment and advancement of NSP’s system for developing instructors. As chair, the ID Program Director leads the annual planning and budgeting process for the ID Program, conducts meetings, allows all voices to be heard, builds consensus where possible, and follows policies and procedures established by the National Board of Directors. The NPD is a member of the Education Committee of the Board of Directors, submits annual reports to the Board, supports division program supervisors as needed, and works closely with the National Education department on educational content development. For a detailed description of qualifications and responsibilities, see text from NSP’s Policies and Procedures, appended below. 

Text from Policies & Procedures Section 2.3: Qualifications  

  1. Is a current NSP member.
  2. For education programs, this individual is an active specialist in the field/program. For education programs, is a program instructor trainer.
  3. Exhibits higher-than-usual interest and performance in the skills of teaching and quality management.
  4. Has demonstrated a positive administrative track record, including written and communication skills.
  5. Resigns any division positions upon acceptance of national program director.
  6. Meets any additional qualifications as required by the national board of directors; program committee chairs and subcommittee members may be expected to meet additional requirements. Responsibilities – Education Program Directors

(1) Education program representation
  1. Is an active member of the National Education Programs Subcommittee.
  2. Chairs the national program committee for the education discipline.
  3. Directs or participates in task committees and in training programs as assigned.
  4. Develops and maintains a communication network with the national education department, national program directors, division supervisors, instructional staff, geographic line officers, and all others as necessary.
  5. Works closely with the education and communications departments at the national office on program design, content, and production. Coordinates committee meetings and production of publications in conjunction with the national schedule, according to established board priorities.
  6. Advises the national chair, the board of directors, and the membership on matters relating to the program. Suggests policy through motions to the board, but has no policy-making powers.
  7. Represents the national level of the NSP program discipline on other committees, with affiliated associations, and at division functions at the request of the division director per national guidelines.

(2) Education program promotion and delivery
  1. Promotes NSP education programs (courses, refreshers, and continuing education) within the divisions to maintain the integrity of NSP training standards.

(3) Directs the division supervisors and is knowledgeable about the program in each division to assist when called upon.
  1. Reviews all training materials for consistency with program objectives.
  2. Submits articles, or suggests authors, for Ski Patrol Magazine, E-Pointers, and other publications of the NSP communication and education departments.

(4) Education program administration.
  1. Reviews administration for effectiveness and efficiency.
  2. Submits an annual written report of the program's activities, program director's goals, objectives, plans, and expenditures to the national board of directors at its annual meeting. Is invited to attend (or may request to attend) the annual meeting or the midwinter meeting when activity in the program justifies attendance.
  3. Prepares an annual budget request for the coming fiscal year and submits it to the national education director in a timely manner.
  4. Maintains records on instructors, courses, and equipment during program director tenure, and transfers these materials to the successor.
  5. Approves, or delegates responsibility for, instructor trainer and instructor appointments and forwards confirmations to the national office.
  6. Develops a program-specific quality management system according to Section 4.2 and Appendix B, and coordinates division program supervisors in its implementation.
  7. Automatically retains instructor certification and IT designation during term of service.